This will help remove sludge and built-up grease from the blades, which has a dulling effect. Just drop in a few ice cubes at a time – let the beast chew them up before you add more. Grind ice to clean garbage disposal blades.The added pressure will help clean garbage disposal blades and walls.
When it is full, remove the stopper and turn on the disposal. After seriously working your garbage disposal, fill your sink with cold water and a squirt of dish soap. Fats and grease clog drains and produce foul odors, so those go elsewhere. Similarly, stay away from bones, fruit pits, or anything overly hard. Don’t grind fibrous items like asparagus or corn husks.
Below you’ll learn how to keep your garbage disposal clean of debris and odor, and keep drains moving swiftly. Though they are usually convenient and low maintenance, garbage disposals can get stinky, dull, and clogged up (hint: don’t throw potato peels down there). But you didn’t come here for a lecture you came here to clean a garbage disposal. Throwing food down the drain strains water treatment plants, takes away oxygen from water supplies, and feeds sewer rats (and alligators?) not to mention suck power. Garbage disposals are anything but green. So it’s a bit strange that we’re writing an article on how to clean garbage disposals. Here at How to Clean Things we always strive to recommend cleaning methods that are safe for you and the environment. That clogged garbage disposal doesn't need harsh chemicals.Grind citrus fruits to remove odor and clean garbage disposals.Keep your garbage disposal clean by using it correctly.